Innovation in fruit growing

People often say that to stand still is to go backwards. We also think that. Therefore, we are continually searching for ways to improve and innovate.

With all of the innovative steps we take, we examine their effects on the product and the environment. Some innovations, for instance, target increasing the yield. However, a larger crop must never have a detrimental effect on the flavour. We continually consider flavour. Therefore, we regularly innovate and experiment with new varieties and cultivation methods.

Examples of innovation in fruit cultivation

A nice example of innovation is how we experiment in growing cherries. We plant new trees in accordance with the Swiss system. Here, cherry trees are planted at an angle of approximately 45 degrees. This gives the tree more room to grow, which means that the height of the rain cover is no longer a limitation. Therefore, it is easier for the cherry tree to enter the generative phase. This is the phase after the growing phase in which the tree starts to produce fruit. We also expect that this will have a positive effect on the crop yield.

We are also innovating in the area of crop protection products. We try where possible to work with solutions that nature provides. You can read more about this on the sustainability page.

The goal of innovation

Innovation is great. We innovate wherever possible. However, the goal is to achieve an optimum flavour. We also innovate with varieties to ensure that our fruit season has an optimum length. This means that you can enjoy delicious and fresh fruit for a long time.
Innovation in fruit growing
Available all year

Available all year

On the list of the most popular types of fruit in the Netherlands, we find the pear in place 7. One of the reasons why the pear is a popular piece of fruit is its good availability. We can supply pears throughout the year.
Our pears
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Provincialeweg 1
4033 BP Lienden
The Netherlands
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