Contact us

Would you as a consumer like to enjoy our delicious fruit? You can purchase it from our fruit stall and fruit dispenser. See the sales locations here.

Do you have any questions? Or are you as a wholesaler or fruit trader interested in our fruit? Please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Visit us

You can make an appointment to visit us. We will be pleased to discuss the possibilities offered by Verwoert Fruit to make your business even stronger. We can be found at the following address:

Provincialeweg 1
4033 BP Lienden
Bart & Wim Verwoert
Bart & Wim Verwoert


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Verwoert Fruit
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Available all year

Available all year

On the list of the most popular types of fruit in the Netherlands, we find the pear in place 7. One of the reasons why the pear is a popular piece of fruit is its good availability. We can supply pears throughout the year.
Our pears
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Terms and conditions
Our fruit
Fruit growing
Red currants
Seasonal work
Berry pickers
Sales activities
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Verwoert Fruit
Provincialeweg 1
4033 BP Lienden
The Netherlands
Realisatie JSP Reclame